Get Involved — Volunteer!



Contact frvpta@gmail.com if you'd like to become a volunteer


Volunteering isn't a requirement to be a member of PTA, we promise it is something you will enjoy and that will pay you, and your children, back in dividends!


When you volunteer with PTA, YOU decide how much (or how little) of your time to give, YOU decide how many responsibilities you want to take on, and YOU decide where you think your talents are best invested!  


Volunteering sends a clear message to your child/children (and other students for that matter) that you’re devoting your most precious commodity — yourself — to something that’s important to you — their education. It shows them you support them and their teachers and lets them know that what they do matters to you.  You are also teaching them the importance of giving back to their community and the value of hard work.  PTA is, at its core, leadership, kindness, and community- the very lessons we are teaching our kids this year!


Your children are not the only ones to benefit from your efforts- you will, as well!  Volunteering with PTA is a great opportunity to work with teachers, administrators, and other parents- consider it the ultimate networking platform!  PTA also gives you a voice- if there is something you want changed, or an initiative you think the school should pursue, you can make that kind of change happen as a member of PTA!  If you choose to lead a committee, you can work towards implementing that change directly, which is an incredibly empowering opportunity!  Knowing you have helped make this incredible school an even better place is the ultimate bucket-filler!


There are so many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved at FRV!  Whether you financially support FRV through sponsorship, serve on a committee, volunteer for an event, or work behind-the-scenes to support PTA, there is a place for you in our organization- your participation matters!


Your time, talents and treasure is needed and wanted by our staff and students.  The diversity of our community and the experiences you can share with our students is so valuable to us!  Whether it's a little time or a lot of time - at school or at home - mom, dad or grandparent - WE NEED YOU!  We could not do it without you!  


Contact frvpta@gmail.com if you're interested in Volunteering




Are you thinking.....


"I'm so busy, there is no way I can commit to being a volunteer."

Volunteering takes on many forms. There is no time commitment involved- if the most you can give of yourself is 30 minutes a month, we'll gladly accept your help and tailor a volunteer opportunity to fit your needs!


"If I volunteer once, they will expect me to volunteer for every event they hold."

We are not in the business of hunting and capturing.  We'd love to have you participate in as much as you are comfortable with, but have no problem taking "no" as an answer!  Zero expectations, just support and appreciation for what you ARE able to give of yourself!


"I'm not friends with anyone in PTA.  

We are all trying to balance our home life with our ambitions and PTA. Our motto is always "the more the merrier".  


"I'm too busy managing my household, there is nothing I can do to help." 

If all you can do is send a few emails to sponsors or write a few thank you notes, we'll take it!  


"I'm new to the school."

I promise, you are not the only one!  You'd get along wonderfully with a couple of our board members!  Fear not, volunteering does not require mastery of the FRV layout, or being able to identify teachers and staff!  


"I'm not crafty- PTA is for crafty, creative-types.  I'm a Pinterest-fail type." 

Nor are we, that's why we need volunteers who are!  There is so much more to PTA than creativity.  You have your own genius, and we'd love to tap into it!


"I work full-time, I can't volunteer."

 Volunteering does not require going to the school during the school day.  There are plenty of opportunities that can be done at home, with your favorite drink in hand!


How to Volunteer!


If you'd like to join a committee, chair a committee, or volunteer, CLICK HERE


If you are considering volunteering for a position on the board next year and would like more information or to serve alongside a current board member, email us at frvpta@gmail.com







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